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We consistently plead with the Lord to show us faithful, available, and teachable (f.a.t.) brothers and sisters in Christ to invest our time and energy into.  Our prayer is that these "f.a.t." people will become national movement leaders.


As we are asking the Lord for national movement leaders, we are sharing the gospel, training believers, and training in existing churches.  We seek to equip individuals and the existing local churches with simple, biblical and reproducible tools. Our desire is to see existing churches put the tools into practice faithfully and consistently in their current communities.  The fruit of this will not only be souls saved, but also people being equipped and sent out as missionaries to other places until there is no place left.

Church planting will be our focus in areas where we do not find gospel advancing churches or church leaders who are willing to advance the kingdom of God through the spread of the gospel. These church plants will begin with evangelism and the equipping of believers to be the church right in their own communities.  This will be a gospel first and gospel centered church with the DNA for reproducing and planting other healthy churches.

What is a Healthy Church?

A healthy church is a group of Jesus followers who are united in their worship of Jesus (Ephesians 2:18-22). They love and sincerely care for one another, pray together, share their resources with each other, study the Word of God together, celebrate the Lord’s Supper together, give sacrificially to support the advance of the gospel, advance the gospel together, and baptize new believers. (Acts 2:36-47) Together they remember that King Jesus is returning and with their obedience they worship Him and prepare themselves for His return. (2 Thessalonians 1:5-12) Together the church pursues the hearts of men in order to reconcile them to God through King Jesus by proclaiming the Gospel and teaching others to do the same. (Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21) King Jesus is the Head of the church, and under the leadership of the Holy Spirit the church appoints under-shepherds or pastors (1 Timothy 3:1-7) to oversee the teaching of sound doctrine as well as the equipping and training of the church and of those who join in fellowship with them during their lifetime. (Ephesians 4:11-16)

This "church circle" illustrates the elements of a biblical church as seen in the book of Acts.  In order (starting with the top left) we see: 

  • Gospel proclamation

  • Repentance & Belief

  • Baptism

  • Holy Spirit

  • Learning & Teaching of Scripture

  • Loving One Another

  • Breaking Bread Together

  • Prayer

  • Signs & Wonders

  • Tithes & Offerings

  • Worship

  • Multiplication

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